LMT launcher v2.5

LMT Launcher

is a Launcher for Android (tested already on multiple devices but should run on nearly all) that launches a command when perform single touch or multitouch gestures on the screen (In any app/screen/etc.).
  • You can connect basic and advanced commands to any gesture LMT supports.
  • In addition to the gestures you can activate a system-wide PieControl for navigation like the feature in the ICS stock browser (touch the side of the screen to activate it).
  • ISASThe ISAS (invisible swipe areas) can be used to swipe with one finger from the sides to to center of the screen (like you would bring up the pie) to trigger actions. E.g. you could use the 3 ISAS at the bottom of the screen to trigger back, home and recents with just swipes when the navbar is hidden. Those swipes are as fast and reliable as normal button presses. In order to make the ISAS work you have to do the following setup:
    • activate gestures via setMode (because ISAS are being recognized via the internal gesture engine)
    • Configure min bbox size. Actually this is the length in pixel the swipe must be long, so that the corresponding action for the ISA is being triggered.
    • Configure activation area size. This is the height (for bottom/top ISAS) or the width (for left/right ISAS) of the area, where the swipe must be started in. So the lower the value, the more precise you have to start the swipe at the side of the screen
Download the latest apk, copy it to your phone and install it via file explorer. For the pie just start LMT, set actions to the different pie slices and start the TouchService. If you want to use gestures and/or ISAS first try to use the auto configuration feature. If gestures and ISAS are not working correctly afterwards, set the specified input device for your phone and for ISAS set the proper touchscreen to screen factors manually.


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